How Businesses Can Reduce Their Carbon Footprint

How Businesses Can Reduce Their Carbon Footprint

Posted: 2018.09.04

By: Kevin Williams

Categories: Carbon Reduction

Regardless of one's stance on climate change and whether or not humans can influence increasing global temperatures, there are numerous benefits for companies that wish to reduce their carbon footprint. For example, energy efficient practices tend to reduce operating costs while increasing employee productivity. Focusing on sustainability can also be beneficial to a company's brand.

There are many ways that businesses can become more sustainable and thus benefit as a result. These include:

ENERGY STAR certified office equipment – ENERGY STAR is a voluntary program that facilitates energy efficiency to lower business and lifestyle costs and protect the climate. If every piece of office equipment used in the U.S. was ENERGY STAR certified, it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 1.5 billion pounds and save $117 million per year, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In addition, if all computers sold in the U.S. were ENERGY STAR certified, it would save more than $1 billion in annual energy costs and reduce carbon emissions in the equivalent amount of removing 1.4 million vehicles from the road.

Green travel options – Business travelers can opt to use hybrid or electric rental cars to reduce carbon emissions. They can also stay in green hotels that reduce wasted water and energy through energy-efficient HVAC, lighting, and laundry systems. Companies can also take advantage of virtual meeting technologies that enable real-time voice and video between participants anywhere in the world. Commuters can also use public transit or bicycles to get to work, or work from home more often.

Basic energy saving practices and technologies – Simple practices such as turning off all electronic equipment at its power source whenever it's not in use can make a huge difference in energy and money savings and waste reduction month-to-month and year-to-year. Installing sensors that turn lighting and HVAC systems on and off automatically depending on whether a room or building is occupied can also make a big impact. Maintaining office equipment regularly will keep it working at peak energy efficiency.

Intelligent energy storage – Using an Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled energy storage system allows you to track and control your company's daily energy usage all the way down to each individual outlet and each piece of office equipment. It also enables you to program how much energy to distribute throughout your facilities each day so that none is wasted. As a result, you reduce your company's energy consumption and carbon footprint while also automating your energy usage to take advantage of enhanced business efficiencies as well.

How WISE technology can reduce a company's carbon footprint

WISE Distributed Energy increases energy efficiency for businesses by storing energy from the grid or renewables to be used later. As a result, they spend less money on energy costs and reduce their carbon footprint. WISE Lifestyle Management uses IoT technology to automate businesses' energy usage, increasing energy efficiency even further and virtually eliminating waste.

For more information about WISE energy storage and IoT tech, visit