Marketing WISE Technology to Your Customers

Marketing WISE Technology to Your Customers

Posted: 2017.08.31

By: Kevin Williams

Categories: HVAC Electrical Solar

Energy storage technology offers many benefits to the customers of HVAC, electrical contracting, and solar contracting companies. More than 60 million Americans are already receiving the benefits of energy storage systems. GTM Research expects the energy storage market to be worth $3.2 billion by 2022.

The reasons for this include the fact that smart energy storage solutions like WISE allow consumers to save money, protect the environment, and automate their lifestyles with Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Energy storage can also be coupled with renewable energy, thus augmenting the combined value of both technologies. In fact, the U.S. solar-plus- storage market is expected to surpass $1 billion by 2018.

Letting them know the benefits of WISE energy storage solutions

The challenge for WISE Partners and Master Licensees lies in making customers aware of the benefits of smart energy storage to help them understand how and why they should buy it. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can use to reach your customers with compelling messages about WISE technology. These include:

Focus on the benefits to the customer – Your marketing communications will resonate the most when you focus on the benefits your customers receive from WISE technology. Consistently communicating about how smart energy storage saves money, protects the environment, and makes people’s lifestyles more enjoyable and convenient will help them feel comfortable making the investment.

Have a deep understanding of the technology – Smart energy storage is a complex subject, and your customers will undoubtedly have questions about it. Thus, having a thorough knowledge of the technology will position you to confidently address your customers’ questions and concerns. WISE offers a training and certification program for all its Partners and Master Licensees so they understand everything they need to know about the technology.

Bundle with other services and products – WISE technology isn’t meant to stand completely apart from your existing offerings. In fact, it could be used as a powerful marketing tool when you include it as a special bundle or package of products and services. This way, you’re able to market WISE technology along with the rest of your business all at once to capture as much wallet-share was possible.

Develop existing relationships and explore new markets – WISE presents a great opportunity for you to deepen your existing client relationships while also pursuing new ones with customers who don’t already buy from you.

People who already use your products and services will be more receptive to your offerings of WISE technology, and will be more likely to listen when you describe the benefits. Meanwhile, the benefits of WISE technology give you something to discuss with customer prospects in addition to the benefits of your HVAC, electrical, or solar contracting services.

WISE offers marketing materials and training for all its Partners and Master Licensees. This information will help you stay in front of customers and convince them to buy. For more information, visit