The Environmental Impact of Home Energy Storage

The Environmental Impact of Home Energy Storage

Posted: 2017.01.19

By: Kevin Williams

Categories: Carbon Reduction

We all consume electricity all the time, every day without even thinking of it. It goes without saying that we simply expect our electrical devices, hardware, and infrastructure to always work without interruption in service. When the juice stops flowing, such as during a power outage, it can create a huge disruption in our lives. That’s why it's the electrical utilities’ job to provide a constant source of electricity whether its needed or not.

However, there’s a price to be paid from our constant need for abundant energy. Generating electricity requires burning fossil fuels and other processes that release pollutants into the environment. If you believe that pollution has at least some impact on climate change, then you know that it can lead to some dramatically negative environmental effects. These can include global warming, increasingly radical and dangerous weather, poor air and water quality, and increased risk of disease and death.

How energy storage mitigates damage of pollution

Home energy storage allows you to reduce your carbon footprint in a variety of ways, most of which are passive and don’t require any extra effort on your part. In addition, our intelligent home energy storage system allows you to optimize your home’s energy usage in ways that other home energy storage solutions can’t. Here’s how:

Utilities optimized to reduce waste – According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the electric power grid operates on a delicate balance between energy generation and consumption. Utilities must provide enough electricity to match any level of demand that arises in the market. This means that they often overproduce electricity to meet demand and much of it is wasted.

Energy storage can allow for the grid to work more efficiently, thus making it more effective at reducing waste while decreasing the likelihood of blackouts or brownouts. Furthermore, it can mitigate the need for the construction of additional power plants which create even more pollution.

Increased feasibility of renewables for consumers – Renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power are good alternatives but their utility is limited based on weather conditions on any given day. However, energy storage allows you to store the energy you collect from renewables and use it later, resulting in an even smaller carbon footprint than what renewables could create on their own. It also enables off-grid living which is meant to reduce ones’ carbon footprint as much as possible.

Monitor and control home energy usage – Our intelligent home energy storage system allows energy consumers to actively manage their home’s energy usage so that none of it is wasted. As a result, your home’s energy usage is optimized to the needs of your lifestyle so your carbon footprint is never larger than it needs to be.

Storing electricity can provide many environmental benefits. Our society must continue to look for ways to reduce pollution, and home energy storage is one of the ways that we can make this happen.